
Showing posts from December, 2022

Questions and Answers on Introduction to Sociology

This sociology question & the answer was created with consideration for all competitive exams. Introduction to sociology and helpful quizzes on the information pertaining to Indian society's structure has been provided, which is advantageous for future exams and will enable you to succeed on your first try. In addition, you can assess your preparation. You must choose just one answer from a list of four options for these multiple-choice questions about sociology. 1. Social change is to blame for  (A) Social Disorder,  (B) All of those above,  (C) Social Advancement,  (D) Social Development  (Ans: B) 2. Which of the following matches is incorrect? (A) Max Weber's "The Holy Family''  (B) M. N. Srinivas' "The Remembered Village"  (C) Spengler's The Decline of the West  (D) Toynbee's A Study of History  (Ans: A) 3. Those ideas and behaviors that any typical member of a community is expected to exhibit are referred to as: (A) Cultural Complex;...